The swelling started to subside but under my chin there is a large elongated bruise (
ecchymosis) that reaches halfway down my neck.
Unfortunately the paresthesia is not getting better. As a matter of fact I have noticed that while the lips and chin do experience tingling and have a degree of sensation, the buccal side of the gum is completely numb. The tingling of the chin is very unpleasant, almost as if tiny sharp needles covered my fingers or tongue when I run them over the affected area. And it reacts accordingly, particularly the lip. By the evening it is swollen, red, and very very tender.
I find the possibility of this becoming a permanent condition exceedingly disturbing.
SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 2008
My dentist agrees, I do seem to have
paresthesia. As she wrote to me in her email: "-- the risk was always there. Researches have indicated about 1% incidence rate of paresthesia after impacted wisdom teeth extraction with higher number in female patients with the age of older than 24. But a lot of cases are temporary, which might resolve in a few months or up to 12 months." Hmmm... In a few MONTHS? And what if the damage is permanent??
I have woken up with my left chin still semi-frozen. There is quite a bit of swelling, but otherwise I am pain free. This "frozen" area is quite large, basically the left side of my chin, from the lips to the bottom of my chin. It is not completely numb, and that is what makes it very annoying: I am constantly aware of it, there is a constant tingling sensation. But that is what also keeps my hope up that the sensation may indicate some sort of nerve activity or healing process. When I run my fingers over the area, I feel it. It feels exactly as if the coming-out-of-freezing stopped somewhere halfway.
FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2008

Although a few days passed already from the day of the extraction, I will start at the beginning. The Tooth was an unruly lazy *&$% wisdom tooth that chose to grow in a completely horizontal fashion, staying under the gum, pushing against the second molar in front of it. That would not have been such a big deal, had the gum not decided to retrieve exposing the Tooth partially. As a result one day the dentist discovered some undesirable development under the remaining partial gingival cover. It was time to make a decision, or rather: there was no choice, the Tooth had to go!
On Friday, April 18, I positioned myself in the Big Chair. Given the fact that it was going to be a complicated extraction, I was supposed to have partial sedation. The preparations went very quickly, within minutes I was "out". By this I mean completely gone! I have no recollection whatsoever of any activity around me.
After the procedure I was told that everything went seemingly well and, although I had quite a bit of bleeding, they applied gelfoam to the bleeding site and have sewn up the wound tightly. I was given Amoxycillin to take for a week and I was on my way home.
Surprisingly I only needed one painkiller just after the freezing started to wear off. But very oddly by night time I felt still frozen.